Our programme is industry approved

An immersive programme that will launch your career in Ai & Data at supersonic speed.

Over 18 weeks, you will build and deploy production-grade systems, learning under the mentorship of industry experts.

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Data Engineering

Data Science & Machine Learning

Deep Learning

ML Engineering & MLOps

Career Support




How to apply

Start dates




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Is this programme right for you?

Data science and machine learning are about understanding how data can be used to make key business decisions and automate processes. Given the huge amounts of data being collected in the digital age, companies across all fields want to utilise their data to inform their decisions and improve operational efficiency.

The demand for data scientists has tripled over the past 5 years.

The number of machine learning engineer positions on Indeed quadrupled between 2015 and 2018.

This course was created to meet that demand.

What we need from you

Most of our students have a STEM background and are required to have a basic understanding of linear algebra, statistics and coding. The 15 minute quiz you complete during the application process will assess this and will give you access to precourse material to fill in any gaps in knowledge.

If you love solving problems across different fields using data and are looking to get hired doing this, you have come to the right place.




Hours of coding




Real industry system

A four-part curriculum to take you
from the basics to the state of the art

Software & Cloud Engineering Essentials

Apply industry best practices and write engineering-grade code to deploy a production ready project on the cloud.

Module 1:
The command line

Bash scripting
Essential Commands and syntax
Finding help

Module 2:
Git and Github

Essential commands and syntax
Version control
Pull requests
Software collaboration best practices

Module 3:
Python Programming

The Python Environment
Arithmetic Variable Assignment and Strings
Lists and Sets
Dictionaries, Tuples and Operators
Control Flow
Object Oriented Programming
Advanced Python
Error Handling

Module 4:
Data Formats and Processing Libraries

Intro to Pandas

Module 5:
APIs & Webscraping

Web protocols and requests
Webscraping with Selenium

Module 6:
Algorithms and Data Structures

Big O Notation
Sorting and Searching
Linked Lists
Stacks and Queues
Trees and Graphs
Dynamic Programming

Module 7:
Software Design and Testing

Principles of OOP Design
Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Encapsulation
Class Decorators
Docstring and Typing
Project Strcucture
Code Review

Module 8:


Module 9:
Containerisation with Docker

Creating Docker Containers
Docker Networking and Storage
Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

Module 10:
Essential Cloud Technology

The AWS CLI and Python SDK (boto3)
Virtual Compute with AWS EC2
Data Lake Storage on AWS S3
AWS RDS for Data Warehouse Storage

Module 11:

Github Actions

Specialism 1. Data Engineering

Learn how to store, share, process various types of data at different scales.

Module 1:
Big Data Engineering Foundations

Big data ecosystem overview
Batch vs real-time processing
Structured, unstructured and complex data
The data engineering lifecycle

Module 2:
Data Ingestion

Principles of data ingestion
Batch processing
Real-time data processing

Module 3:
Data Management

Data Governance
Data Quality
Reference Data Management
Metadata Management
Challenges and Risks
Data Fabric
Data Quality and Cleaning
Data Enrichment
Big Data Privacy and Security

Module 4:
Data Wrangling and Transformation

Distributed Processing with Spark
Spark Streaming

Specialism 2. Data Science

Learn to visualise, preprocess and model data with statistical tools and machine learning algorithms.

Module 1:
Data Cleaning and Exploratory Data Analysis

Data Visualisation
Influential points - Leverages and Outliers

Module 2:
Statistical testing

Significance testing
A/B Testing

Module 3:
Introduction to machine learning

Data for ML
Intro to models - Linear Regression
Validation and Testing
Gradient Based Optimisation
Bias and Variance
Hyperparameters, Grid Search and K-Fold Cross Validation

Module 4:

Binary Classification
Multiclass Classification
Multilabel Classification

Module 5:

Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Evaluation Metrics

Module 6:
Popular Supervised Models

K-Nearest Neighbours
Classification Trees
Support Vector Machines
Regression Trees

Module 7:

Random Forests and Bagging
Boosting and Adaboost
Gradient Boosting

Module 8:
Neural Networks

Neural networks
Batch Normalisation
Optimisation for deep learning
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Specialism 3. Data Analytics

Learn how to discover and analyse raw data to derive useful patterns, trends, relationships and insights, and communicate these in a visual manner to enhance decision making.

Module 1:
Data Wrangling and Cleaning

Data loading
Data cleaning
Data integration
Data exporting

Module 2:
PostgreSQL RDS Data Import and Reporting

Conneting to pgAdming4
Creating databases and tables
Importing data
Data exploration and statistical analysis

Module 3:
Integrate Tableau Desktop with PostgreSQL RDS

Setting up Tableau Desktop
Configuring PostgreSQL connector
Connecting to databases

Module 4:
Create Tableau Reports

Tableau data exploration
Data analysis and visualisation
Creating reports

Specialism 4. Machine Learning Engineering

Learn when and where machine learning models, including neural networks, are used within systems and how they are deployed.

Module 1:
Introduction to machine learning

Data for ML
Intro to models - Linear Regression
Validation and Testing
Gradient Based Optimisation
Bias and Variance
Hyperparameters, Grid Search and K-Fold Cross Validation

Module 2:

Binary Classification
Multiclass Classification
Multilabel Classification

Module 3:

Automatic differentiation
PyTorch Datasets and DataLoaders
Making custom datasets

Module 4:
Neural Networks

Neural networks
Batch Normalisation
Optimisation for deep learning
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Module 5:

Architecture tips, data augmentation & debugging tips
Pre-trained models
Transfer learning
Hardware acceleration (GPUs & TPUs)

Module 6:

Churn modelling
Content based recommendation systems
Collaborative filtering
Lead scoring

Module 7:
Building APIs

Intro to FastAPI
Deploying FastAPI
Efficient FastAPI

Module 8:
Kubernetes (K8s)

Deploying K8s

Module 9:

Kubeflow Core
Kubeflow Serving
Kubeflow Pipelines

Module 10:
Apache Airflow

Scheduling with Airflow

Career support

Our curriculum is approved by
industry professionals

Federico Monti

Senior Machine Learning Engineer @ Twitter

Loïc Genest

Data Scientist @ Expedia

David Aponte

Machine Learning Engineer @ Benevolent AI

Daniel Clarke

Head of applied science @ Adarga

Aparna Dhinakaran

Founder @ Arize AI

Alexey Grigorev

Principal Data Scientist @ OLX Group

Tom Preece

Data Scientist @ Peak

Korri Jones

Senior Machine Learning Engineer @ Chick-fil-A

Jakub Czakon

Senior Data Scientist @ neptune.ai

Peter Bentley

Visiting professor @ Autodesk

Demetrios Brinkmann

Community Coordinator@ MLOps community

Tao Cao

Principal Machine Learning Engineer @ GSK

Vitalii Zhelezniak

Senior Research Scientist @ Babylon Health

Filipe Morais

Machine Learning Engineer @ Onfido

Mohamed Redha Sidoumou

Data Scientist @ AWS

Programme Schedule

The programme is completely asynchronous so you can progress through it at whatever times are convenient to you. You can book time with a support engineer to guide you whenever you need help.

There are live meetups from Monday - Thursday, 6:30PM - 9:30PM where you can work alongside your peers and support engineers are available for instant live support.

We recommend a commitment of at least 20 hours per week to make good progress.

6:30 - 7:30 pm


Go through material to prepare for the day's session

7:30 - 8:00 pm

Live demonstration

Demonstrations of industry tools and projects with live Q&A

8:00 - 9:30 pm

Live expert support

Complete project work and get live expert support, either in a group or 1 to 1 setting

How to apply

Change your future in four easy steps


Application Form

Complete the application form in less than 10 minutes


Take our quiz

Find out if you are ready by taking a short assesment



Talk to our Aadmissions team to make sure this programme is right for you



After the evaluation process, you will recieve a decision. Then get started!

Upcoming start dates

24th January 2022

18 weeks

Monday - Thursday
6.30PM - 9.30PM

Apply now

21st February 2022

18 weeks

Monday - Thursday
6.30PM - 9.30PM

Apply now

21st March 2022

18 weeks

Monday - Thursday
6.30PM - 9.30PM

Apply now

Upcoming start dates

We launch a new cohort every week on Monday.

Apply now

6:30 - 7:30 pm


Go through material to prepare for the day's session

7:30 - 8:00 pm

Live demonstration

Demonstrations of industry tools and projects with live Q&A

8:00 - 9:30 pm

Live expert support

Complete project work and get live expert support, either in a group or 1 to 1 setting

Our industry mentors will make sure you're ready for the workplace

We connect our students to world class AI industry mentors. They’ll lecture technical topics in class, answer questions and share informal career advice in scheduled office hours.

Sam Cooper

Senior Lecturer,
Imperial College London

Felisia Loukou

Senior Data Scientist,

Colin Kelly

NLP Lead,

Dedicated Support

Dedicated support means that on top of the 12 hours of instant live support per week, you’ll have scheduled group office hours weekly, support through Slack and 1-on-1 sessions available to book.

Remote Learning, done right

Don’t waste a second. Learn from the comfort of your own home. Reach support engineers instantly. Be ready with just an internet connection and your laptop.

Our support engineers have diverse expertise
Ahmed Eldiwany

Ahmed has over 19 years of experience in senior roles at many companies in the field, including leading a team of over 20 as Principal Data Engineer at Emirates.

Harry Berg

Harry is a passionate teacher and hacker. Over the years, he has taught over 1000 students across the top universities in London including Imperial College, UCL and Kings.

Ivan Ying Xuan

Ivan got started working  with huge datasets in his Chemical Engineering PhD. During his time at AiCore, he's earned a reputation for being able to hack together complex demos in a matter of hours.

Ali Abdelaal

Having contracted at over 10 companies across 4 years, Ali knows how machine learning is deployed at a wide variety of companies.

You could be a

data scientist.
machine learning engineer.
data analyst.
data engineer.
business analyst.
natural language processing engineer.
data analytics consultant.

Learning packages that work for you

Your financial background should be no barrier to accessing a quality education. Our wide range of learning packages are designed to give you ultimate flexibility regardless of your circumstances.

Self serve

Pay the cost of the programme before your start date through a bank transfer.

AiCore Flagship

Pay the tuition cost in manageable monthly installments over 24 months.

No interest

Deferred tuition

Pay tuition cost in monthly installments as a percentage of your salary after you've landed a high paying job.

No interest

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success story

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